Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kind of Creepy

I bought baseball cards for my son today, and got an extra pack to give to someone else, I wasn't sure whom. Walking along the sidewalk, I looked at kids with families, and tried to decide. No girls. I believe this was probably sexist on my part, but I just imagine that boys like baseball cards better. No families with more than one kid because I only had one pack to give away and it would definitely fall into the unkind category to give something to just one person and not his sibling. I was hoping to find a boy around my son's age.

I spotted just the right family. A young boy around 10 with people who seemed to be his parents and maybe an older aunt or cousin. Or maybe no relation whatsoever, although I did build a whole family scenario in my head. The father (at least I think he was the father) held the door for me as we were all walking into the same store. I asked the boy if he liked baseball and he responded with an enthusiastic yes. I found the perfect person! I reached in my pocket and handed him the pack. He said thank you impressively just a split second before his parents prompted him.

I walked away feeling...weird. I think something about being a stranger approaching a child with gift, even if he was surrounded by family in a public place, seems, well, creepy. It may be a sign of the times, or maybe I'm over thinking this. Or maybe it really is. So unless I can figure out how it's clearly kind and won't scare someone, random gifts to children are off the list.

1 comment:

  1. Betsy, I can so picture you as you are doing this! I just found your blog today! I am inspired, I do try to be kind, I think thats in my genetic make-up, but to be kind to strangers is different. I will keep you in mind as I go aboout my mundane activities!! Looking forward to following you thru your year!!! Love you, Kelly
