Monday, January 31, 2011

Hello Work, Calling in Kind Today

Day 304

I had to miss work today, as I needed to spend the day at home, unexpectedly, with my son who was under the weather. While he slept the morning and part of the afternoon away, I tackled a disorganized and messy closet, a task I had planned and then put off at least half a dozen times.

The result; a bag of clothes for the boys who live next door, a bag for the donation center near my office, a clean closet and a completed act of kindness for the day.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Just As I Planned

Day 303

When I started this project, I imagined I would be doing kind things for strangers every day, like helping someone when their car broke down, or assisting with putting groceries in an older person's car. I very quickly learned that, although I had committed to an act of kindness for a stranger every day, the opportunities were not always obvious, or not what I expected.

But today I actually did get to help someone put their groceries in their car. On my way out of the store I noticed a woman having trouble managing the car door due the close proximity of the large snow pile. I offered my assistance and it was gratefully accepted.

Once in a while, things do turn out as planned.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Trying To Trick The Groundhog

Day 302

Even though it was Give Flowers to a Stranger Day already this week, today I decided I needed to do it again. I saw some daffodils for sale and instantly became tired of winter.

I'm not usually a big complainer when it comes to weather. I love that I live in a place where there are four seasons and each of them usually seems to go by quickly. But this year between trying to negotiate driving around roads narrowed to one lane because of the snow, and feeling like I am taking my life in my hands every time I try to pull out in traffic around huge piles, I'm getting a little winter weary. Even my dogs are looking at me with “you've got to be kidding me” faces when I let them out and only place they can go without the snow being over their heads is the driveway (and they're not those little drop kick dogs either).

So when I saw the daffodils, I saw spring. And I had to have it. I stopped for coffee this afternoon I gave the bouquet to the young woman who waited on me, and told her they represented my hopes that perhaps the groundhog wouldn't see his shadow next week, and that spring was around the corner. Ironically, another storm is forecast for Groundhog's day. Thus I suspect my kind gesture will not be rewarded with mild weather.

However, it was rewarded with a coupon for a free cup of coffee that the woman gave me by way of thanks. And next to a melting snow pack, there is nothing I love more than coffee!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Snow, Coffee and Kindness

Day 301

Is silence golden? Or is it kind to complain?

Yesterday I stopped by my usual coffee place on the way to work. Usually I am there around 7:30 AM but because of the snow storm the night before that dumped over a foot of snow in my area, work opening was delayed a few hours. Every school system in the entire state, except for two, was closed or delayed. It was a slow start to the day all over.

So as I was getting my coffee around 10, I asked the young woman waiting on me what time the shop opened. She replied that they were required to open at the regular time “no matter what” per directive of the district manager. As a result, she got stuck on an unplowed road and was stranded there for a couple hours until a plow driver came by and helped her out. All so folks who wanted their coffee at 6 wouldn't go without in the middle of a huge storm. I found this absolutely appalling.

Today I sent an email to the district manager (whose business card was conveniently located on the counter, inviting customer feedback). I expressed that I found it outrageous and irresponsible that, in pursuit of the almighty dollar, employees were required to drive through a storm when it was obvious no one should be on the road unless it was an emergency. I didn't include my belief that, now matter how much I love coffee, there is no such thing as a caffeine emergency.

I'm fairly certain my opinion and email will have no effect on opening time during the next storm. But it seemed kind to try.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flowers For Just The Right Stranger

Day 300

Despite another foot of snow last night, we were not snowed in today, so I am happy to report it was another successful Give Flowers to a Stranger Day. I didn't have a plan, and hoped the right opportunity would present itself. At the end of the day I left work for home, still in possession of the flowers.

I stopped at the shopping plaza near my home and waited for a few minutes, still thinking I would just “know.” But when I finally realized there would not be a sign, I walked up to a woman loading groceries in her car and said “These are for you. It's Give Flowers to Stranger Day.” She looked surprised and asked “Really? Thank you.”

And her smile indicated to me that I had indeed, found just the right person

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Planning For The Holiday

Day 299

Tomorrow is the 27th of the month and you know what that means...Give Flowers to a Stranger Day, of course! There has been a storm in the forecast for a few days now and while everyone else was worrying about how it might effect their work schedule or if school would be cancelled or delayed (as my kids were hoping as they went to bed) I pondered how the storm might effect this holiday.

So I planned ahead, picking up a nice bouquet of Gerber daisies to be given to someone, I'm not sure whom, tomorrow.Even if, by chance, I'm snowed in I can leave them for one of my neighbors. Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will cancel GFTASD.

While I was at the store getting the flowers I bought a jar of peanut butter for the local food pantry bin. Planning for kindness tomorrow while acting kind today.

Are you a new reader of this blog? Are you unsure what Give Flowers to a Stranger Day is? It happens on the 27th of every month. Some history of the day can be found in these previous entries.

It's That Time of the Month; GFTASD That Is
Monthly Feature
Flowers For A Stranger
Controversial Kindness
It's Sweeping the Nation
Flowers Anonymous

Monday, January 24, 2011

Kindness in the Classroom

Day 298

I found an inspiring Facebook page today. It's called “Mrs. Andrew's 2nd Grade Kindness Project.” Their goal? To see how many people they can get to commit to one act of kindness. They are hoping for a million fans for kindness. I was excited to discover this for several reasons. One is obvious. How amazingly cool is it that a class of 2nd graders have made a commitment to convince people (hopefully a million of them) that being kind is important. It is apparent that this is a very special group of kids being taught by a very special teacher.

The other reason I was excited to find this page is that my motivation to write this blog, the kind act of a stranger who stopped to help me on the highway 25 years ago, happened right near Oneonta, New York, the very town where Mrs. Andrew's class is working from to spread kindness around the world. It seems to me that this that this area of Upstate New York clearly has an above average number of kind caring people.

So let's help Mrs.Andrew's class reach their goal, and show there are kind people everywhere. Please commit one act of kindness, and if you have Facebook account, become a fan of their page.

Baby It's Cold Outside!

Day 297

It was COLD outside today. As in below zero cold. Driving to work I passed people waiting at the bus stop and experienced a twinge of guilt that I was warm in my car. And even though I'm being kind to strangers, I don't have in me to go as far as picking up some at the bus stop and giving them a ride. But that doesn't mean I didn't feel a little bad about it.

On my way home I stopped to pick up a few hand warmers. They are the type that come in a packet and activate when they are opened. I left them at a bus stop in the hope that they would be found by someone who needed them. Not nearly as nice as actually giving someone a ride, but I'm doing what I can.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Shyness Takes a Back Seat to Kindness

Day 296

My son and I were in the elevator at the hospital today, there to visit a relative. A man got in in with us holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and in the other, an empty infant car seat. Using my Holmesian powers of deduction, I strongly suspected that he was a new father.

“Did you just have a baby?” I asked, and he replied “Yes” with a huge smile. “Boy or girl?” I followed with, of course. “A boy. His name is Mason.” came the proud response. I offered my congratulations, we got off the elevator and went our separate ways.

In the past I may have kept my speculation to myself, but this project has made me a bit less reserved, and sometimes more bold with strangers. In the year of living kindly, shyness is not a virtue.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Kind Act, Spare the Embarrassment

Day 295

I took my son to his art class today and we stopped in the campus store to get him a soda before it started. Now, I actually think this treat could qualify as my act of kindness since we aren't so big on soda in our house. But a boy has to drink, especially during class I suppose, so I won't count that. While in the store I pondered my lack of a kind act for the day, and quickly looked around for an inexpensive item that someone might enjoy.

I bought a small pen shaped like a tube of paint for $1.50. Since this was an art school, I rationalized that someone might get a kick out of finding it. But the absolute honest truth is, it was the cheapest thing I could find in the store. I left it on a bench near a vending machine outside one of the classrooms with a note. “This is a pen. If you find it, it's yours. Consider this a random act of kindness.”

I did take care to leave it no where near where my son was taking his class. I could only imagine him feeling absolutely mortified if someone he knew discovered one of his mother's kind hijinks. He's not quite an adolescent yet but close enough to find me embarrassing at times.

Protecting him from possible humiliation, it just seemed like the kind to do.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kindly Delete Please

Day 294

“Girls! Girls! Girls! Click here!” “Pole dancing!” “Quality stripper on line now!” These are some links I found on the Facebook wall of a local, reputable sports business. I quickly exited the page, realizing that someone had obviously “hacked” into it, as they say.

But then I thought about the business, and it seemed equally obvious that they had no idea what was posted for all their customers to see. The kind thing to do, so it seemed, was to let them know about it. I sent an email advising the owner to check the page, and said I was quite certain he wasn't the one posting.

It's a big bad unregulated world out there in cyberspace. I'm not sure all the kindness we can muster can keep it contained, but what would we be if we didn't even try?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Best Ideas Are "Borrowed"

Day 293

As I am nearing the end of my project, I sometimes find it hard to come up with original ideas. Fortunately for me, Sarah is just in the beginning of her 365 Days of Kindness, so every day I sneak a peak at her blog and see what ideas I can borrow. And today was my lucky day. She has decided to open up a craft shop with the goal of raising $365 for charity, so I had the opportunity to purchased a cool crocheted pinwheel.

While I can't crochet, or knit, sew, or really make anything, I can buy things. Maybe not creative, but still kind.

I'm not sure what my kind act will be tomorrow. Let's see what Sarah does....

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Honk If You Think I'm Kind

Day 292

I was focusing on driving kindly today. In the city where I work driving is rather hazardous lately because of the snow. Often pedestrians are forced to walk in the street because so many sidewalks aren't shoveled. And pulling out into traffic can be difficult because it is hard to see over the snow banks. Cars must inch their way into traffic in order to see if it is clear to pull out.

Not once, but twice today when I stopped to allow a car to merge into the road, the driver in back of me honked. In my mind I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, that perhaps they couldn't see why I was stopping.

But questions began to nag at me the second time. Is my decision to stop to let a car into the road actually unkind to the drivers behind me? Am I being overzealous in my quest to be kind? Have I lost sight of the rules of the road?

I'm not entirely sure of the answer, but for now, I'll ere on the side of being kind while allowing a few unkind thoughts about the honking drivers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kind, But Not Really Helpful

Day 291

It was a snowy, sleety, rainy mess of a day around here. My kids had the day off from school, so we were home bound, waiting for our driveway to get plowed (it's a long one, so shoveling or snow blowing is not an option). Around midday the dogs started barking, indicating the plow was here and they we would soon be free.

About 20 minutes after the dogs had signaled the arrival of the plow, I noticed the truck about midway up our driveway, not moving. We (the dogs and I) went to investigate.

Apparently, when K (the man driving the plow) tried to back up, his mirrors were iced over and he misjudged, and was stuck over the edge of the driveway. He was on his cell phone trying to find a tow truck, with no luck.

It was one of those times where I really, really wanted to help in some way, but couldn't think of any way I could contribute to solving the problem. I offered for him to come into the house while he was calling around but he said he would stay with the truck, confident he could find a tow soon.

I went back in the house, packed up some cookies and a large travel mug of coffee and sent the boys back down the driveway to deliver them. It didn't get the truck unstuck but I hope it made the wait slightly less awful. AAA came within the hour, the truck was freed, driveway was plowed and we were free to leave.

Sometimes it's kind to be helpful,and sometimes you have to settle for just being kind.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rescued from Kindness

Day 291

My boys went for a snowboarding lesson today. It was their third time on the slopes (really a large hill) so I was feeling confident that they would have some fun and learn something along the way. Toward the end of the time I waited for them by the entrance to the ski school. There was another woman there waiting for her son, who was a few years younger than my boys. She seemed quite nervous and concerned about whether he would like it and the possibility of him getting hurt. I tried to be kind, listening to her worries and offering some reassurance that, in our experience, the instructors were fabulous. They seem to be skilled at focusing equally on fun, safety and learning. While we were talking I saw a ski mobile zip up the hill, and I wondered if someone was hurt. I hoped the woman didn't notice.

Soon the ski mobile came back down the hill with the injured person on the back who looked suspiciously like one of mine. As it came closer, sure enough, there was my younger son riding in back of the driver, looking as sad as a new snowboarder could look after being rescued. I quickly excused myself from my “kind act” to attend to him.

He was fine, a small cut on his head from falling, a bit bloody, but recovered enough for hot chocolate and a hot dog, and wanting to know when he can go snowboarding again.

I'm going out on a limb here to say that, in my year of living kindly, today's act was probably the least effective to date.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kind Act for a Small World

Day 290

A friend who is familiar with my year long quest to be kind, and the sometimes struggle to come up with original ideas recently told me about an organization called Kiva. The mission of this group is to “ connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.”

Today I lent 25 dollars today to a woman, Ama, in Ghana who is starting a business selling drinks. Presumably, I will be “paid back” this money in six months, and I can then decide to lend it to someone else, donate it to the agency or keep it. I suspect keeping it is not easy to do, but that's OK, that's not my plan anyway.

One of the most rewarding aspects about doing this blog project is the perspective I have gained that, in some ways, the world is smaller than it seems. And today a woman in Ghana became my neighbor.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not Going Anywhere, Might As Well Be Kind

Day 289

My son started a new art class this afternoon (Armor Design, really). It was at a local university in the city where there is currently lots of snow piles and not many places to put them. I felt fortunate when I went to pick him up that I scored a parking spot right in front of the building. Getting out of that spot was another story.

Because of the abundance of snow and the lack of parking spaces, when it was time to leave my son and I were boxed in on all sides by cars double parked, presumably other parents there to pick up their kids. The woman directly next to me was blocked in, front and back and appeared mortified as she looked over at me and realized that I couldn't move because she couldn't move.

I briefly felt annoyed and then, remembering my commitment to be kind, realized that had I been a few minutes later it would have been me double parked. I rolled down the window and motioned to the woman to roll down hers. I told her not to worry, take her time, we were in no hurry. She looked momentarily relieved, but then the person behind her beeped, either ignoring or ignorant of the fact that nothing could be done; we were all trapped for the time being.

While my small act of kindness did nothing to help alleviate the traffic jam, I hope that it, however briefly, alleviated some stress.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Croissants and the Evolution of Email

Day 287

Another Friday at work, another plate of a treats on the kitchen table. Home made croissants. Until today, I didn't know there was such a thing as homemade croissants. Unlike last Friday, I didn't encounter anything healthy, so there was nothing left to do but dive right in. They were the antithesis of healthy, almost like eating a stick of butter. And I am one hundred percent positive I will never ever encounter a more amazing and heavenly croissant for the rest of my life.

When I got to my desk I intended to send thank you email to T, the nurse and former pastry chef responsible for the greatest croissants ever baked. And then I realized that was silly, I should walk to her office and tell her in person.

I work in a small place, about 20 employees. I remember when we first got email 15 years ago. It was on one computer and we all shared it. And I remember when we all got our own email addresses and how silly it felt that we were emailing each other instead of talking. But little by little, it has become the norm. And it still seems silly sometimes.

I went to T's office, a good fifty feet or so from mine, and thanked her. I said I probably would never eat another croissant in my life because I have had the best and I'm quite certain that nothing will ever compare. And while my croissant eating days my be over, I will try to continue to try to keep the emails to a minimum, and say my thank yous in person.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blog Fodder

Day 286

My friend P. had surgery this morning and will need to take it easy for the next day or two. On my way home from work I brought her some food for dinner and hopefully enough for lunch tomorrow too. A nice big container of Sausage Goodness (turkey sausage, white beans, tomatoes, and kale).

During this year of doing this project I have tried hard not to use acts of kindness for friends and family as fodder for the blog. My worry was that it might appear as if I were motivated by the need to have something to write about. For the most part, I have stayed true to that rule. But as my year of living kindly approaches the homestretch (79 days left, but who's counting), there are times that the end of the day rolls around, and a quick review reveals no act of kindness to a stranger. Today is one of those days. And rather than track down a stranger on whom to bestow a kind act, I am relying on the kindness of P. for allowing me to count my meal delivery as, yes, fodder for the blog. And trust that she knows I would have delivered it, blog or no blog.

P., here's to a speedy recovery, a good meal, and Day 286 being in the bank.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed In, But Still Kind

Snowed in today. I was in search of a creative way to be kind to a stranger without actually leaving the house. As often is the case I found a perfect idea on someone else's blog. Sarah, who just started her own year of living kindly and is documenting it on Daily Acts of Kindness, wrote about a great organization she discovered. It's called Random Cards of Kindness which collects and sends homemade cards to children who are hospitalized. What a perfect snow day activity.

Not for me actually, but for my sons, who both happen to be fabulous artists (if I may use this forum to brag). Me, I can't even draw a straight line. They both pitched in to help with my act of kindness for the day, and the cards they made were beautiful. Here is my older son's thoughts on the experience:

Well here's my perspective of the act she did today. I was drawing and I wasn't paying a lick of attention to what my mom was doing for her act of kindness. Then I started asking questions about her act today. She wouldn't give me answers until I helped her. So I ignored her for a while, but my curiosity got the better of me. I asked and she told me about the website she said earlier in this blog. She asked me to make a card. So I made the best card I could do. The title was Have a Day Full of Energy with a lightning bolt on it. I felt great about what I had done. Also I was pretty sad at thinking about a child in a hospital. But away from that overall I am happy about what I did.

Thank you Sarah, for helping us be kind, even in the midst of twenty inches of snow.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's Really Catching On

Day 284

This afternoon I did my favorite act of kindness, buying someone a cup of coffee. It is my favorite for no other reason than it is fun to do. The cashier was the same one I wrote about in a previous entry (A Cup of Kindness, Plus More). Today when I gave him the money and asked him to use it for the next person who came in after I left. He responded “Oh good, now this this means I will have to do this for someone else today too.”

A few months ago, the first time I asked him to do it he was surprised and expressed much joy in being able to participate in such an unusual request. Today it seemed that this “act of kindness” was no longer unique and had become part of his routine as well.

My goal in doing this project was simple. I hoped it would help my family and me insure that kindness was part of who we are and what we do. Knowing it may have had the same effect on someone else out there is fabulous bonus.

Monday, January 10, 2011

What Came First?

What came first, the blog entry or the kind act? I must confess when I sat down the computer tonight I had nothing to write about. The end of the day rolled around with no blog worthy deed. And as I sat thinking I could do I noticed the stack of Christmas cards from friends next to the computer and remembered why I they were there. We didn't send any this year, so I was trying to at least send emails when we received them to let folks know that we were thinking about them, even if we didn't send our usual cards.

We used to send ours out around Christmas time. Then we changed it to New Years cards. Then the last time we sent them they were Happy Valentine's Day cards. This year we threw in the towel and didn't even come up with plan.

I had a couple left to respond to and this was just the motivation I needed. It felt good to finish and I hope that folks don't take an email as a poor substitute for a holiday card. I'm going with “it's the thought that counts” and I hope the recipients are too.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Circle of Kindness (Think Lion King)

Tonight I ran into the grocery store to get some eggs and, if you must know, toilet paper. It was dark but I noticed some kind of red cloth in the parking lot. I was cold and in a hurry so I started to walk right by it. But then I remembered I am kind, so I stopped to see if it was something that needed to be picked up. It was a small handmade knitted blanket, about three feet square, the most likely owner was an infant. Somebody would definitely miss it. It was in good shape and only slightly damp from the snow on the ground, so I don't think it was there there. I took it in with me and left it at the service desk in the store.

Since my husband had to make a trip today to recover my son's lost sweatshirt from the lost and found bin at the soccer field , it definitely felt like the circle of kindness was completed today.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kindness By The Slice

I worked at the snack bar my son's basketball game this afternoon. One boy, around 14or 15, wanted a piece of pizza but he only had a dollar and needed 50 cents more. After he asked one friend, then another, and then a third, I finally took pity on him and gave him the 50 cents he needed. He was appropriately appreciative, and I was appropriately relieved that I had committed an official act of kindness to a stranger for the day.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Tasty And Kind

I brought a box of clementines to work today. I'm putting this in the kindness column on two counts. One, sharing with my co-workers and and two, making it something that will not derail all the New Year's resolutions to eat healthy and get in shape. Very often the kitchen table at work has at least one plate of treats. That was the case today, my contribution was right next to platter of delicious home made cookies. One of the nurses at my office was a pastry chef in a former life, so when she leaves treats they are always amazing, and today was no different.

So any staff looking for a pick me up in the kitchen had two choices today. Delicious and nutritious or delicious and, well, really awesome. We couldn't go wrong either way.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Kind Intentions Communicated, I Hope

It was one of those days when I was just drawing a blank on the kindness front. Nothing spontaneous happened and I had no ideas, big or small. At 6 pm I dropped my son off at basketball practice and drove to the nearby plaza, hoping for some inspiration. I wandered into the grocery store, and as soon as I walked in the door, I saw it. A bucket of beautiful carnations, a dollar each, that I swear was put there just for me.

I bought three and distributed them on cars in the parking lot, feeling a bit like the kindness fairy. I did wonder however, if any of the recipients might find ita bit scary a flower on their car. It is has been said that the definition of good communication is that the message sent is the same as the message received. I hope that my intent, to be kind not creepy, was clearly communicated.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Secret is Out, Sort Of

Day 281

There is a great little gift shop right next door to where my boys take karate. It is an old fashioned place, family owned and operated, with a little of this, and a little of that, something for everyone. One of those places that you just don't see anymore. After I dropped my kids off it occurred to me that this was the perfect place for an act of kindness. I went in and browsed around, getting some ideas for upcoming birthdays. Then I bought five little mini gourmet chocolate bars (although in my mind ANY chocolate is gourmet).

I asked the woman working (who was the owner's mother) to give them out to anyone who came in that looked like they might benefit from some chocolate. And really, who wouldn't?

Today was the first time since I started this project that I ever actually told someone about it while I was “in the act.” It has just seemed like that would be some kind self-promotion, I'm not sure why. But tonight, for some reason, perhaps because the store was quiet and it was just the the two of us talking, I told her a little bit about what I was doing and why. She offered to put the address of the blog on the counter, I declined. Free chocolate on a cold night is an act of kindness, but self promotion in the name of kindness is a different story altogether.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Hold That Line

Day 280

My act of kindness today was something I didn't do. I didn't answer my cell phone when it rang as I was checking out of the grocery store. I knew it was my husband and I waited until I got to my car before I called him back.

I always wince when I see people on their cell phones while a cashier is waiting on them. It seems so devaluing to focus on the person on the other end of the phone rather than person who is present. I will admit I am probably more irritated and less tolerant of cell phones than many. I'm slow to accept they are here to stay as a prominent part of our culture. I use mine less than most people, but more than wish I did.

I've traveled further down the slippery slope of cell phone use than I ever planned, but hopefully I'm still holding the line on using it kindly.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bladder Full of Kindness

Day 279

As I enter the final few months of my year long commitment to kindness, I must admit that, at times, it is hard. Not so much the being kind part, that usually comes easily. But trying to think of something interesting to do every day and hoping for opportunities to present themselves can be wearing.

So when I was in line at the grocery store this evening and I overheard the little boy in back of me say to his mother “Mommy can you tie my shoes?” and she replied “I can't bend over honey, I have to pee really badly” I thought “Dang, I'm in luck!” Which really wasn't a very kind at all.

But going with the theory that kind actions are more important than unkind thoughts, I immediately offered to tie the boy's shoes, giving him the choice of single knot or double (he went with single). And feeling overjoyed at the chance to offer kindness to a stranger, thus being true to the name of this blog, I even gave the woman my space in line so she could get home that much quicker.

Was it kind of me to view one person's misfortune of a full bladder as fodder for the blog. Perhaps not. But I am certain that, self-serving as my actions may have been, they were nonetheless, greatly appreciated.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kindness With No Cost

Day 278

A couple years ago we bought year long membership for a brand new indoor sports facility for our kids. Because we were not sure how interested the boys would be, it was a bit of a financial risk for us. They liked it a lot. And for a little over two months, it became part of their routine to go there to use the batting cages. But about halfway into the third month, the place placed closed down, with no notice at all. A sign was put on the door that said they would reopen in the new facility being constructed across the street. Our phone calls and emails went unanswered. A complaint to the Better Business Bureau got us no where either, as their efforts on our behalf were ignored as well.

Six months later when the new facility finally opened and the newly hired manager, JR, was working hard to try to get the place up and running. I showed up at the door. And while I may be writing a blog about being kind, I was a force to be reckoned with when it came to getting back the money we considered to be stolen from us. He said that, while he had not been on staff when the old facility was running, it was his understanding that there were no records, and without a receipt we could not receive a refund. Clearly stuck in the role of the front man in a situation that had preceded him, JR was forced to endure my repeated phone calls and emails (polite as they were) and eventually did get us the refund. And I will always remember how incredibly kind and helpful he was while dealing with a problem that was clearly not of his making.

Fast forward two years, and today I was at the facility to watch my boys in a soccer game. I stopped by the office to ask a question and there was JR. I was happy to have the opportunity to tell him what a great job he was doing running the place and how much I appreciated how he had helped us two years previous. I recalled that his manner had been so pleasant and respectful. He smiled and said “I try,” in a way that made me think he has now has lots more experience dealing with the angry public now than he did then.

Today I was happy to able to share some kind words with someone whom I had crossed swords with in the past and not even ask for one cent in exchange.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trash Again

Day 277

I did not see even one stranger today, making my daily commitment a challenge. But the melting snow enabled me go use my “go to act of kindness in the clutch,” picking up some trash. Sadly it seems I can always find some on the side of the road when I need to.