Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Wave of Kindness

It’s been fun to hear that this blog has inspired others to think about being kind. Recently a friend reported that when cut off in line at the drive through coffee shop, he chose to smile and wave instead of the other hand gesture he was considering. This inspired me to be mindful on my way home from work tonight. I vowed to myself I would wave ahead any car that needed to merge into traffic. I believe in other parts of the country this may be considered the norm. Around here however, it is definitely a sign of weakness.

I must report that I was disappointed that I only had the opportunity to let 3 cars proceed in front of me in my 40 minute commute. I had imagined that I would compile huge statistics, therefore proving that a commitment to kindness could absolutely alter the traffic patterns on the East Coast. Still, I’d like think I’m having some impact on changing the world, one finger at a time.

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