Friday, August 20, 2010

Cookies for Strangers

Day 143

My sons had some friends over today, and when my older one said “Mom, will you make chocolate chip cookies?” then turned to his friend and said “her cookies are the best,” I pretty much was a puddle. He is 11 going on 12, and the days of him announcing nice things about me to his friends are probably waning. So saying no was not an option.

I have been trying to figure out how I could include giving cookies to someone I didn't know as part of this project. Cookies really do say kindness, in my opinion. However, cookies from a stranger probably would not be interpreted that way. Today as I was baking I came up with a solution to my dilemma.

I sent my boys' friends home with two plates of cookies and instructions to keep one for their family and to give the other to someone they know. Strangers to me, but not to them, therefore creating no worries about possible suspicious origins of the cookies.

Thank you to our friends for passing for being the cookie go between, accessories to kindness.

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