Saturday, August 14, 2010

Trash Talk

Day 137

Second day of our weekend away. Yesterday it was clear that my quest to be kind was irritating at least member of my family, so I today I tried to keep my kindness quest on the down low. Theme for the day, be kind to the environment. We did some hiking in the morning, and I picked up bits of trash along the way. Afternoon hike, same routine. I did have my limits however, nothing wet or gooey or otherwise disgusting, and whatever I picked up needed to fit in my pockets because I didn't think to bring along a bag. And to top off my garbage picking day, I fished four recyclable items out of the trash bin (they were very near the top, so no need to picture me with my arm plunged shoulder high in the trash can) and transferred them to the recycle bin that was right next to it.

Yesterday my son was trash talking my attempts at kindness. Today I'm talking trash too.

1 comment:

  1. That is funny!!!!! You are such an entertaining writer..clyn
