Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Kindness to a Stranger. For Real

Day 141

I decided in the beginning of the day that today's act of kindness must involve a stranger. When I started this project, I fully intended a kind act for a stranger EVERY day. But it didn't take me long to realize I would not be able to fulfill that goal, and that sometimes I needed to be a bit more flexible about who the recipient would be. But every once in a while when I post the blog, and see that giant title “The Kindness of Strangers” I feel like I'm cheating a bit.

And I also decided it would be a face to face act of kindness, because it is easier in some ways to be anonymous, at least for me. I'm not the kind of person anyone describes as “outgoing” and, although I believe I am kind hearted, I'm not a touchy feely kind of gal. Since starting this project, I think I have become more polite to strangers, trying to say hello if we pass on the side walk, making even more sure to say my please and thank yous. However, when going beyond that, I've find it far easier to write or email my appreciation rather than say it in person.

I was incredibly fortunate this afternoon when I checked out at the grocery store because the cashier was a cheerful friendly young woman. She made my mission of face to face kindness easy. I told her I was grateful to have been greeted by someone so pleasant, and thanked her. It felt a little awkward, but she was so genuine, only the tiniest bit so.

So, at least for today, I can proudly report that I was true to my mission.


  1. I read your blog every day after I post my entry. I was surprised to find we had such similar experiences today. Interesting...

  2. Hey, this one didn't cost a dime, either!
    I think you are doing great whether interacting with stranger or friend or family! You're doing a GOOD thing! So, thanks!

