Monday, August 23, 2010

They Say It Makes The World Go Around

Day 146

We donated money today to an organization that is helping flood victims in Pakistan. I suspect these are the least favorite blog entries, the ones about money. Most folks prefer to hear about more simple acts of kindness that are part of everyday routines. And truthfully those are more fun to write about. But one of the goals of this project is for our family to make being kind a part of our lives, not just something we do once in a while. And part of that is to make sure that if we are in the position to help, we will. (Spirituality and Trash, April 4)

We realized today that we have donated to other disaster victims locally, nationally and internationally, but the political climate in Pakistan has made us, like others, slow to react. However, there are innocent people in need and we can afford to help.

We consistently try to make sure that charitable donations are part of our budget, but we aren't always successful. This blog has not established that path, but is helping to make sure we stay on it.

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!
    And this is where you all inspire me to do much better! Thank you!
