Thursday, August 26, 2010

Err On The Side Of Kindness

Day 148

Today's act of kindness is a public service announcement. Just for today, this blog becomes my bully pulpit on being kind. I'm communicating this at the request of a friend and colleague, N.

I noticed this week at work I received the same email from N. five times. Apparently, something was going kerfluey in her private email account, and it was repeatedly forwarding a message that she received from someone else. Although the particular email it was sending out was innocuous, my friend was mortified to think what COULD have been going out. Who among us has not said unkind things in emails we assumed were private.

Let N's experience be a caution for us all. Cyberspace can be a wild and untamed place. Be kind in your emails. Always.


Just a reminder that tomorrow is the 27th of the month, and you all know that means. Yes, it is Give Flowers to a Stranger Day. My husband tells me that it is not within my power to declare a holiday, but I beg to differ. I first did it on April 27th (Monthly Feature) and had so much fun that I decided to do it on the 27th of every month. On May 27th (Flowers for a Stranger) at least 8 other people participated as well. I'm not sure how many folks followed suit in June (Flowers Anonymous) or July (Controversial Kindness), but I am imagining big numbers.

And if you don't think it is within my power to create and declare a holiday, consider this. August 8th is Sneak Zucchini On Your Neighbor's Porch Day. If anyone has doubts about this, google it. If someone was able to get the ball rolling on that holiday, I'm thinking my odds are good for mine.


  1. i'm in favor of your holiday. did you know that it is followed by the frequently celebrated holidays of late August "More Herbs, Less Salt Day" (August 29) and "National Trail Mix Day" (August 31)? (August is also, among other things, "National Catfish Month" and "Romance Awareness Month." And, appropriately, Give Flowers to a Stranger Day falls right in the middle of "Be Kind to Humankind Week," always observed during the 4th week of August.

    Who knew.


  2. Thank you N. I cannot believe how uninformed I have been all these years. August really is big month for kindness. I am glad we are on it!

  3. Hey dont forget " wont you wear a sweater to work day" which is March 20, in honor of one the titans of kndness-Mr Rogers.

  4. I *love* this! When I read it last night it I just knew I had to be a part of your "Give Flowers to a Stranger Day." So, thanks to you- I did my first RAOK to a total stranger. I even blogged about it and mentioned how you inspired me here:
