Thursday, August 19, 2010

Vegetables for All

Day 142

We have had a good year for our vegetable garden this year. While it's not pretty, with the weeds greatly out numbering the veggie plants, somehow the harvest has been plentiful. Which has worked out nicely with this kindness project. We have been able to donate quite a few pounds to the local soup kitchen, will all members of the family participating in planting, weeding, picking and delivering.

In my zeal to be fulfill my goals, I forgot one small detail. Someone at work recently commented that I hadn't brought in in vegetables this year as I had done in the past. Oops.

Today I brought it a large basket of zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers and tomatoes, and left them in the kitchen for the taking. I believe I can fight the weeds to do this at least one more time before the garden is done for the season.

I was reminded that I had temporarily lost sight of an important tenet. In addition to being kind to strangers, it is important to be kind to folks that you actually know (and work with).

1 comment:

  1. Only cost you a lot of blood, sweat, and...
    Were there any tears?

    Healthy veggies for the office!
    Kindness and health! What's better than that?

