Thursday, October 21, 2010

Kindness In Cyberspace

Day 205

We recently ordered glasses for my son through an on-line company (they are unbelievably inexpensive this way, in case you are wondering why we would do this through the Internet, as some folks have remarked to us). This is an fairly regular routine for us, since 10 year old active boys and eye glasses are rarely a good combination. The latest pair fell victim to a foot during a basketball game.

Apparently the order I made at first was riddled with errors, because I received a very polite email from “SL” pointing on the three reasons they could not fill my order. And the name was signed exactly “SL,” I'm not editing for confidentiality. So I wrote back to “SL” with a few more questions. I received a few more answers, this time from “RM.” This email was also polite and included more helpful details on how could fix my errors. Now, truth be told, I was feeling a little defensive about SL and RM pointing out that I couldn't complete a simple internet order form.

But kindness prevailed over defensiveness. I wrote back a final email thanking both SL and RM for their help in getting my order back on track. I am not convinced either one will ever see it, but I hope whoever does, as I suspect it may be received by another set of initials, they know that the help that they send off into cyberspace is appreciated.

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