Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Kind of Old Tricks

Day 210

Back to my old kindness tricks today, the ones I do in the absence of a new idea. I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work to pick up a couple things for dinner (lemony chicken and rice soup, with salad and bread, in case someone needs details) and realized after I checked out that I had yet to complete my act of kindness today. I trekked back into the store to the peanut butter aisle and grabbed a jar to deposit in the food pantry bin at the front of the store.

Not original (as evidenced by the entry on Day 168), not interesting, certainly not exciting and definitely lacking any humorous angle, but keeping the kindness streak alive. Bring on day 211.

1 comment:

  1. You're cookin' (with peanut butter) now, blogger! Kind blogger, I should say! You are an inspiration!
    Thanks for all your kindnesses for all 211 days!

