Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Act of Kindness That Wasn't

Day 230

Today's act of kindness falls under the good intentions category....

I was invited to participate on an internet radio show in Iowa where the topic was kindness. The host had read this blog and emailed to ask if she could interview me. I wanted to say no, but the woman was so incredibly enthusiastic and sincere that I felt like I couldn't decline. I asked my husband if I could count this as my act of kindness and his initial response was “No, I believe that falls under the category of shameless self promotion.” But I argued with absolute sincerity that it was not something I really wanted to do, that it was pretty far outside my comfort zone, and that I was far more content to write about kindness than talk about it in a live interview.

He acquiesced and said in fact that he thought it would be a fine act of kindness indeed. The interview was supposed to take place at 6 pm on a show called Brown on Black. I spent a better part of the afternoon feeling anxious, worrying about sounding inarticulate, and wishing it were over. I spent from 5 to 5:57 pacing the house. At promptly 5:58 I called the station as instructed only to find out there were technical difficulties and the show would not be running tonight.

Tune in next Sunday for a replay, and possibly an actual interview.


  1. Hey I can't wait!

  2. I have listened to this show on two occaions,and quite enjoy it.I look forward to tuning in on sunday,s show concerning, Acts of Kindness.

  3. Well I have to say that YES this WAS an act of kindness as your kind words for me that day were the kindest words I heard that day. Your understanding and patience were ALSO very kind and kept me from having a meltdown. SO thank you Betsy Alper for being patient, understanding and kind.

    On another note, since the show did not air I actually had people do some random acts of kindness and email me about them. It seems that the show NOT coming on was quite the buzz and inspired people to actually ACT. So no pressure but you are very inspiring to my viewers!

    I did already have guests lined up for this Sunday and am extending the invitation to you now to be my guest ANY OTHER SUNDAY you have available! Just waiting on you so we can share your FABULOUS story! Call me.

    Luana Brown
    Host - Brown on Black
