Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cleanliness Is Next To....Kindness

Day 321

The recent weather, snow and now a thaw, has left my car and I'm sure everyone elses's, filthy. I thought it would be the kind thing to do to leaves some quarters at the car wash near my house. I had to drive right by it on the way to get my boys this afternoon. If didn't have time to clean my mine, at least I could help insure someone else was driving around in a spiffy set of wheels.

Alas, I was vexed again by modern technology. The automatic wash only took credit cards. Not to be deterred, I checked out the vacuum machines. My luck, and someone else's, took a turn for the better as these machines accepted quarters. I left two dollars worth right on top where they couldn't be missed.

Truth be told, I'm a little envious of whomever it is who has the time to clean their car. These days mine is looking like a sand pile, inside and out. There is saying I've heard that cleanliness is next to godliness. If that's true I'm in a heap of trouble. But at least I helped some else get a little closer...


  1. It is clear from this post that you are committed to kindness and maybe a wee bit tired, my friend. I know you are filled to the brim with duties of all sorts. May you be the recipient of kindness in the hours, days, weeks ahead! By the way, I think it is early for Spring cleaning. This thaw is a cruel tease. The sand on your car mats may come in handy soon enough!

  2. WOW now I suspect no one would expect a kindness act at the car wash .good one
