Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Kernel of Effort and a Grain for Kindness

Day 306

Home bound again due to the weather, I was in search of a way to be kind to a stranger without actually leaving the house. There is a website called that has a word game and for every correct answer, 10 grains of rice are donated to the Word Food Program. Now I must admit, I have seen this website mentioned in several places, and I never looked at it because I was sure it was some kind of scam. The assumption being that if it was too good to be true, then it must not be.

But today, in search of a kind act that could be committed from the comfort of home, I looked at the website and checked out it's validity on, where it was declared TRUE that using this website results in donations of rice. Apparently the money is generated through the advertisements on the site. So today I donated rice to those in need. I will not say how much because then it will become apparent that I spent way too much time playing the very addicting word game. But it was enough to feed a few folks and to qualify as an act of kindness.

If you would like to hear about an act that required more thought than playing a word game, and shows an honest commitment to the effort it sometimes requires to be kind, please read today's entry in the blog Love Your Neighbor. It is a truly moving account of the writers determination to act kindly in order to see beyond her first impression.

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