Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kindness For Me Too

Day 360

I dropped off a bag of clothes in the collection bin near our house today.  It feels a bit like cheating by counting this as an act of kindness since every bag of stuff I get out of the house is always an act of kindness for ME. 

Continuing with the top 10 reasons I am glad I did this blog, in no particular order, Number 6:

I'm not 100 percent sure on this one, but I think my kids were impressed and I suspect it will make them at least a little kinder in life.


  1. I believe Reason Number Six MUST be true!
    A gift to the boys, INDEED!

    Wowza - 5 more days!


  2. Hi Again,
    Did you know you have two Reason Number Eights?

    So this may be reason number 5...

