Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lost And Found

Day 341

I was at a meeting at my son's school this morning. I stopped by the restroom and spotted a text book on the floor, along with some notes so I brought them to the office.

Now, I realize this does not seem like a very impressive act of kindness. Of course I should have turned the book in to make sure it was returned to the rightful owner. But this project has made me so much more aware of the small things one can do to make some else's day just a little bit easier, or more pleasant or even just more tolerable. I would like to think that I always do the right thing, with or without blogging about it. But I am not 100 percent certain I would have even noticed the book a year ago. Or I may have just assumed whoever lost it would know right where to find it. I can't really know for sure what I would have done in the past.

I do know this. I have a new found radar for acts of kindness and acts of "do the right thing" that I hope will stay with me in the future.


  1. You're really an inspiration to others! Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow - 24 more days of blogging!
    What will we all do without your daily inspiration? We'll just have to be as self motivated as you have been for this past year!
    Many thanks!
