Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Joyful Breakfast

Day 160

When I was buying my coffee this morning, I noticed a mom sitting at a table with her daughter who looked to be around two or so. They were chatting away, the mom remarking how incredibly delicious the apple fritter the little girl was eating looked, the girl replying something like “Holy moly it's good!” There was a running commentary about the sights and sounds around them. “Oh that's the coffee grinder. And there's the new fall display going up.” It was remarkable how the simple act of eating breakfast together seemed to be an exciting adventure filled event. It looked like they were having so much fun I was tempted to forget about work and join them. But instead I said to the mom that I could not help overhearing their conversation, and that it was so inspiring to hear that they were making a simple breakfast such a joyful event. She smiled and clearly was pleased.

Coffee and breakfast in my office at my desk was a much more mundane excursion.

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