Thursday, September 23, 2010

Super Nurse to the Rescue

Day 177

I got a call from the school nurse to pick up my younger son this morning. The dreaded stomach bug had taken him down for the day. Later in the afternoon when he was able to talk without moaning in pain (I'm not wishing this bug on anyone, it's a tough one) he mentioned how nice the nurse was as school. And she really is wonderful. She has been there for both my boys on a number of occasions. We decided to write her a note telling her how much we appreciate what she does, and my son is going to draw a picture. Superheros being his specialty, he is planning on a supernurse, cape and all.

The card is all set and ready to go. We are hoping for a healthier tomorrow to add the picture.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your son feels better soon. I'm sure the nurse will appreciate her superhero status. Who doesn't love a personalized cape?
