Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Keeping Abreast of Kindness

Day 176

I had a routine mammogram today. There is a temptation to include details to describe what an uncomfortable experience having one is, but I feel like I may have already provided too much information about my day with the opening sentence. Besides that, if you have had one you already know. And if you haven't and it is recommended by your doctor, you absolutely should get one. I don't want to scare anyone off from doing something that is so important.

Why bring it up here? Because the technician who took the x-rays had all the qualities one needs to perform such a job. She was calm, kind and sensitive. Most importantly she worked efficiently and quickly to get the procedure done.

When she was leaving the room, I made sure to thank her and say how much I appreciated her demeanor and her skills. And that her efforts to make the experience as comfortable and dignified as possible will help ensure that women come back each time that they need too. I actually did not FEEL all that dignified saying it with a johnny on, but I have to believe there is some dignity in being kind.

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