Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Almost Missed the Deadline...

Day 169

I thought today would be the one I feared, the one that I wouldn't be able to post. I was sick with a stomach thing for most of the day, not able to venture out of the house or out of the bed for that matter. Around 7 tonight though I arose, better, stronger, but without an act of kindness.

What to do? Search the internet for an idea was all I could think of. But not before checking Facebook where I noticed it was my cousin's birthday. This is this is the same cousin who encouraged me to leave a pocket of sunshine (Not Too Foo Foo For Me, August 3) for someone to find. Looking at her information I saw that she had raised money for a charity by running a marathon. It was last year but her donation page was still up.

A contribution has been made in your honor J. I hope you had a fabulous birthday and thank you for running for a great cause.