Day 290
A friend who is familiar with my year long quest to be kind, and the sometimes struggle to come up with original ideas recently told me about an organization called Kiva. The mission of this group is to “ connect people, through lending, for the sake of alleviating poverty.”
Today I lent 25 dollars today to a woman, Ama, in Ghana who is starting a business selling drinks. Presumably, I will be “paid back” this money in six months, and I can then decide to lend it to someone else, donate it to the agency or keep it. I suspect keeping it is not easy to do, but that's OK, that's not my plan anyway.
One of the most rewarding aspects about doing this blog project is the perspective I have gained that, in some ways, the world is smaller than it seems. And today a woman in Ghana became my neighbor.
wow that is a really great idea!